
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 농업인안전보험 보장수준 조정 방안
저자 김태후, 김성섭, 서상택
발행정보 58권 1호 (2017년 3월) 페이지 73~96
초록 The objective of this study is to suggest an alternative of the current farmer insurance program by adjusting coverage levels for each insurance provision without the increase in the premium. In order to adjust farmer insurance coverage levels, “What-If” analysis with Monte-Carlo simulations and nonlinear optimization was conducted. Empirical insurance data with seven years(2009-2015) were used to perform the “What-If” analysis. The results show that if the death and disability payments of type 2 and type 3 were fixed to type 1, farmers could receive the adjusted off-work benefits of 2.37 and 3.73 times on average compared to the current the off-work benefits without the increase in premium. This adjusted off-work benefits for man(woman) is calculated as 67(105)% for type 2, 99(159)% for type 3 compared to the off-work benefits of the worker’s compensation insurance(agricultural sector). This implies that the enhancement of off-work benefits could help farmers to manage more stable farming.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2017(58권제1호)-국문-04.pdf