
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 한국농업의 노동투입량 추계와 노동생산성 계측 : 스톡, 플로우 및 산업간 비교분석
저자 유영봉
발행정보 57권 4호 (2016년 12월) 페이지 83~107
초록 The previous estimates of labor flow in Korean agriculture have statistical discontinuity due to the sample changes in Farm Household Economy Survey. This study provides the new estimates of labor flow that solve the discontinuity. With the newly estimated labor flow, labor productivity measured in labor flow is compared to labor productivity measured in labor stock. Also, labor productivity of Korean agriculture is compared to those of other industries. The newly estimated marginal product of labor provides some evidence on technological innovation toward to labor-saving technology, post-2000s labor shortage phenomenon, and potentials for wage increases. The newly estimated labor flow can be utilized to analyze various issues related to agricultural productivity and labor.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2016(57권제4호)-국문-04.PDF