제목 |
극한기상현상이 유기농과 관행농 토마토 단수에 미치는 영향 비교 분석
저자 |
박상준, 홍종호
발행정보 |
57권 2호 (2016년 6월)
페이지 |
키워드 |
초록 |
This study applies quantile regression analysis to compare the impact of extreme weather events on organic and conventional tomato yields. Organic and conventional tomato yield data of UC Davis Russell Ranch Sustainable Agriculture Facility and the weather data of the region from 1994 to 2012 are employed for the analysis. The results show that variance and yield variability of the conventional tomato yield are found to be larger than those of organic tomato while the means of both yields are tested as same. Quantile regression analysis results suggest there are significant negative impacts of extreme weather events on the lower quantiles of conventional tomato yield although there is no significant impact on the organic tomato yield.
논문파일 |