초록 |
The purposes of this study were to analyze characteristics of food consumption behavior for ingle household compared to various household types and to analyze dietary satisfaction and its elated factors. First, food consumption behavior and food purchasing frequency in single household ere found to be significantly different with other types of households. Second, dietary satisfaction as found to be significantly different and it was lower for single household. Finally, influencing actors on dietary satisfaction were found to be significantly different among the various ousehold types. For single household, health concern, home meal, income and living place were ound to significantly influence to the dietary satisfaction. In addition, for multiperson householdwith double income, if household head prepared food, only age was found to ignificantly influence dietary satisfaction, while age, size of living place, living place, job, health concern, home meal nd eating out were found to significantly influence to dietary satisfaction, when a member of ousehold prepared food. For multiperson household with single income, if household head prepared ood, education, living place, job and take out meal were found to significantly influence to ietary satisfaction, while size of living place, health concern, home meal, purchasing frequency of eady to eat meal were found to significantly influence to dietary satisfaction, when a member of ousehold prepared food.