
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 The Impact of Free School Lunch Programs on the Nutritional Intake of Children in South Korea
저자 Sang Hyeon Lee, Sung Ju Cho, Doo Bong Han
발행정보 57권 2호 (2016년 6월) 페이지 139~156
초록 In South Korea, free lunch programs have been employed nationwide since 2008. This study investigated the effect of free school lunch program participation on the dietary intakes of South Korean children. We conducted a multi-period cross-sectional study of 2,808 children (age range, 7-12 years) at elementary schools in all 16 regions of South Korea. Our estimated results indicate that the program led to reduced nutritional intakes of the lower grade students (7-9 years). Considering overindulgence in sodium, reduced intakes of sodium is positive effect. However reduced intakes of fat and arbohydrate could be trouble for students. On the other hand, no effect was found for the upper grades after implementing free lunch programs. Accordingly, we found that simply providing free school lunches to students without considering the balanced intake of key dietary components may not be the ideal approach to achieving health improvements in children.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2016(57권제2호)-국문-06.pdf