
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 결혼과 농·식품 소비 규모의 경제성: 가계공동체모형 분석
저자 권오상
발행정보 57권 1호 (2016년 3월) 페이지 25~51
초록 This study applies a collective household model to a Korean micro-level food consumption data set to analyze married couple’s food consumption economies of scale. Economies of scale measures are estimated for various sized families. The study also estimates the degree to which female controls household food expenditure and identifies its determinants. The study found that there are substantial differences in food preferences among family members. The degree of economies of scale is also quite substantial and depends on family size and other characteristics. Female’s control over household food expenditure is much larger than male’s, but a declining tendencyis observed.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2016(57권제1호)-국문-02.pdf