
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 Effects of the ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement on Philippines and Korea Agri-food Trade
저자 Lorna Tabali, Yong-Kee Lee
발행정보 57권 1호 (2016년 3월) 페이지 83~109
초록 The effects of ASEAN-Korea FTA on the Philippines-Korea agri-food trade is examined using the gravity model, and a trade growth decomposition technique is explored to isolate the net effects of the FTA from the other sources of trade growth. The gravity model is specifically appropriate in analyzing ex post FTA effects since trade growth decomposition can be easily derived, proving the claim of previous literatures regarding the explanatory power of the model. Empirical results show that the ASEAN-Korea FTA has created trade between the Philippines and Korea and contributed to thegrowth of trade, the extent of which depends on the margin by which tariff is reduced and the substitutability of traded goods. Consequently, the balance of trade between the two countries widened in favor of Philippine agri-food exports due to the wider margin by which import tariff is reduced in Korea.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2016(57권제1호)-국문-04.pdf