
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 농업부문 연구투자의 후생효과:다가구 CGE모형 분석
저자 이한빈,권오상
발행정보 56권 4호 (2015년 12월) 페이지 109~138
초록 This study constructs a multi-households CGE model of Korea in order to analyze the welfare impacts of agricultural R&D expenditure. We quantify the impacts of agricultural knowledge stock on farm output prices estimating agricultural price equations. The general equilibrium impacts of a reduction in knowledge stock are simulated under different assumptions on decay rates. It is shown that the overall welfare impact of R&D expenditure is much greater than the expenditure itself. Moreover, agricultural R&D expenditure is progressive in that its welfare impacts are larger for lower income classes. However, it is also shown that the expenditure is pro-consumers not pro-producers because farm household’s asset values decline due to the decreased farm output prices.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2015(56권제4호)-국문-06.pdf