
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 편익이전 기법을 이용한 개별 및 지역별 농촌 어메니티 자원의 가치 추정
저자 이홍림,박윤선,권오상
발행정보 56권 3호 (2015년 9월) 페이지 1~27
초록 Due to the increase in per capita income and the settlement of a 5-working-day system, the size of rural tourism is increasing persistently in Korea. The purpose of this study is estimating the aggregate economic values of rural amenity represented by rural tourism in Korea. We estimate per-person benefit of visiting a rural amenity site applying a meta analysis approach. The estimated unit value is transferred to all amenity sites whose number of visitors are being counted. As a result, the regional level of amenity values are estimated, and the regional characteristics determining the size of amenity values are identified. It is shown that all the characteristics of amenity sites, communities where they are located, and valuation methods used affect the WTP estimates. It is also shown that the benefit itself is larger in cities close to a metropolis or cities specialized in tourism, but its proportion to GRDP is larger in "more" rural areas specializing in agriculture.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2015(56권제3호)-국문-01_1.pdf