
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 선택실험법을 이용한 수박 꼭지의 경제적 가치 추정
저자 유진채,여순식,서상택
발행정보 56권 3호 (2015년 9월) 페이지 47~67
초록 The objectives of this paper were to apply the choice experiment method to the analysis of consumer’s preferences and valuations for stalk end of watermelon and derived its policy implication. Focus group study and preliminary survey were conducted to specify the attributes of watermelon. Selected attributes of watermelon were types of stalk end, freshness, size, sugar content and consumer prices. The results of estimated implicit prices of the attributive levels showed higher preferences in the sugar content, freshness, types of stalk end and size of watermelon than those of baseline watermelon. The willingness to pays(WTP) or implicit prices for stalk ends were 3,460 won for T type of stalk end, 3,467 won for date label with no stalk end, 2,905 won for I type stalk end compared to no stalk end. The WTP of freshness level were 6,370 won for one day pass after harvest date, 6,300 won for 2~4 day pass after harvest date, -2,466 won for 7 day pass after harvest date compared to the baseline with 5~6 day pass after harvest date. These results were expected to contribute to government's agricultural policies and farmers’ decision makings with the practice of watermelon farming.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2015(56권제3호)-국문-03_1.pdf