
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 기상요인을 고려한 인삼의 탄저병 피해 추정
저자 김용준,안동환,김관수
발행정보 56권 3호 (2015년 9월) 페이지 105~128
초록 Diseases and insect pests which are sensitive to weather conditions are always recognized as major problems causing enormous damages in crop production unless appropriate control measures are applied. The values of establishing generalized control measures for diseases and insect pests are increasingly greater than ever. Given these observations, this paper pursues two main purposes. Firstly, we construct the damage function specific to ginseng anthracnose including weather variables. Reflecting that the data we used is left-censored, a tobit model is applied. Furthermore, we use a PANTOB model to correct for problems associated with fixed effect tobit model generating biased parameter estimates due to the problem of incidental parameters. Secondly, we estimate the impact caused by ginseng anthracnose on the domestic ginseng markets. The EDM (Equilibrium Displacement Model) is used for this purpose. The estimation results suggest that humidity and high temperature variables significantly affect the outbreak of ginseng anthracnose which is consistent with previous research. We also showed that (i) the outbreak of ginseng anthracnose could have negative impacts on domestic ginseng production, and (ii) the negative impacts are even more significant when import price of Ginseng is decreased.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2015(56권제3호)-국문-05_2.pdf