
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 친환경 농산물의 소비자 선택속성 분석 : 포도와 감귤을 대상으로
저자 김성훈,손창수,이기영
발행정보 56권 2호 (2015년 6월) 페이지 109~131
초록 In Korea, the current consumers of environment-friendly agricultural product show the more specific determinant factors, including sweetness, flavor, shape, and others. However, few studies have been conducted to discuss the determinant factors of consumers about environment-friendly agricultural products, and thus Korean producers have problem to match the specific determinant factors of consumers which can accept the higher price. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the determinant factors of consumers about environment-friendly grape and tangerine, through survey and fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approach. The results of analyses present that Korean consumers have the specific determinant factors about environment- friendly grape and environment-friendly tangerine, which are different from conventional grape and tangerine. Consumers’ experience of the purchase of environment-friendly agricultural products also affects the determinant factors. Findings from this research might be helpful to producers and other researchers.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2015(56권제2호)-06.pdf