
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 산업연관모형을 이용한 식품산업의 국내산 원재료 이용률 추정
저자 안동환, 김관수, 최지현
발행정보 56권 1호 (2015년 3월) 페이지 29~50
초록 In this paper, we develop an empirical model capable of correcting the over-estimation problem associated with the estimation of domestic input use ratio in food industry. This model incorporates direct and indirect use of imported raw materials which are used as intermediate inputs. We found that domestic agricultural input use ratios for food industry after taking imported raw materials used in both direct and indirect intermediate inputs into account are much smaller than those without them (4.6%, 17.4% lower, respectively). Breaking down these ratios into sub-industry category, we also found significant differences especially in livestock and dairy industry (due to imported raw materials used in producing intermediate inputs) after taking these intermediate input effects into consideration: livestock processing (87.5% vs 62.9%); poultry processing (98.8% vs 55.6%); milk (93.1% vs 67.7%); dairy products (63.9% vs 47.2%).
논문파일 농업경제연구-2015(55권제1호)-02.pdf