
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 공급측 투입산출모형을 이용한 농업 및식품소재산업의 공급지장효과 분석
저자 김용준, 송시완, 안동환
발행정보 55권 4(국문)호 (2014년 12월) 페이지 97~123
초록 In this paper, we analyze the economic impacts of supply shortage of raw and intermediate food materials on food processing industry using a supply-side input- output model. Our results show that the economic loss from supply shortage of food raw material (i.e. agricultural product) is estimated as -1.2868 which ranks 9th in 32 industries. And the economic impacts of supply constraint of processed food material is estimated as -0.7289. Supply shortage in agricultural sector (-0.6199) and feed and tobacco industry (-0.4214) make large impacts on food processing industry. We also found that the supply constraints in rice (-1.1245) and livestock industry (-1.1061 for cattle, -1.1044 for swine, and -1.0478 for dairy) make large impact on food processing industry. And flour (-0.4119) and alchol spirit (-0.9455) also show large supply shortage effects.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2014(55권4호)-국문-05.pdf