
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 식량 및 에너지자급률의 참조국가별 상호연관성 및 이행경로 분석
저자 김관수, 안동환, 김윤진
발행정보 55권 2호 (2014년 6월) 페이지 23~49
초록 In this paper, we present results of an empirical investigation on correlation and transition path of food and energy self-sufficiency by reference group of countries (e.g., OECD, OPEC, HDI developed countries, HDI developing countries, transition countries). The results suggest the importance of controlling country specific effects self-sufficiency, our study found that correlation between them varies across reference groups. A catch-up story of HDI developing countries and transition countries is identified when the 'level' of food and energy security is concerned. However, the same is found to be not true for the 'rate' of food and energy security. This suggests that synergy effects between food and energy security is not fully utilized during the sample period.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2014(55권제2호)-02.pdf