
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 한국 농업부문의 탄소생산성 분석
저자 김창길, 김태훈
발행정보 55권 1호 (2014년 3월) 페이지 1~27
초록 Carbon productivity, which is calculated by means of GDP and the ratios of CO2 emissions is a simplifed method of measuring green productivity by McKinsey Global Institute. This paper analyzes carbon productivity in Korea agriculture. The average carbon productivity in manufacturing and construction sectors was 1.5, somewhat higher than the 1.2 which is the average for the agricultural sector. The carbon productivity of the agricultural sector decreases by 4.5% if the rice cultivation land area decreases by 1%. If the application of chemical fertilizers is decreased by 1%, the carbon productivity of the agricultural sector shows a 4.6% increase. If the density of dairy cows increases by 1%, the carbon productivity of the agricultural sector shows a decrease of 0.5%. If the stocking density of pigs increases by 1%, the carbon productivity of the agricultural sector increases by 0.2%. To obtain steady green growth in the crop farming sector, what is required is to reduce the applied nitrogenous fertilizer per unit area, to create value added farm products by means of a conversion to environment-friendly farming and to improve energy efficiency, e.g., using low cargon energy sources and highly efficient energy.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2014(55권제1호)-01.pdf