
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 외식이 칼로리 섭취에 미치는 영향분석
저자 박미성, 안병일, 한두봉
발행정보 55권 1호 (2014년 3월) 페이지 73~98
초록 This paper investigates the relationship between food away from home and the consumers' calorie intakes. We use the treatment effect model and heckman selection model to control endogeneity and sample selection bias. The estimation results indicate that there is a positive relationship between eating out and the consumers' calorie intakes. The estimation of treatment effects model shows that consumers who eat food away from home at least once a day intake 603.6 more kcal than the ones who eat all meals at home, while heckman selection model is estimated to show the difference of 1508.7 kcal between the calorie intakes of two types of consumers.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2014(55권제1호)-04.pdf