
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 물리적 제약(Physical Constraint)을 적용한 효용 극대화
저자 김윤식
발행정보 54권 4호 (2013년 12월) 페이지 41~60
초록 Consumers generally have the physical constraints for food consumption. However, the physical constraints have not been properly dealt with in typical utility maximization problems, though it is sure that food consumption is affected by the physical constraints. This paper, thus, applies the physical constraints of food consumption to utility maximization problem. When the physical constrains are applied, the response to the increase in income differ between high-income and low-income consumers in food consumption. This paper also shows that a food product can be an inferior good not only its own characteristics but by the physical constraints.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2013(54권제4호)-03.pdf