
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 친환경식품에 대한 관심이 실제 구매행위에 미치는 영향 분석
저자 강혜정
발행정보 61권 2호 (2020년 6월) 페이지 69~93
초록 This study investigates the factors affecting consumers' interest in eco-friendly food, and the degree of interest in eco-friendly food is actually the purchase behavior (purchase and purchase frequency) of eco-friendly food, using the statistical data of '2019 Food Consumption Behavior Survey'. In order to analyze the link between interest in eco-friendly food and actual purchasing behavior, we compared and analyzed the demographic and dietary attitudes of four consumer types according to eco-food interest and actual purchasing. Multinominal logistic model is used to analyze the factors affecting interest in eco-friendly food, and the two step ordered response model with sample selection to target consumers who purchase eco-friendly food is also used to analyze the factors affecting the frequency of purchasing green food. The results are as follows. While the interest in eco-friendly food is high, the actual purchase proportion is 22.1%, while the interest is high, but the proportion of non-purchase is 18.7%. The higher the interest in green food, the higher the probability of purchasing green food, while the frequency of green food purchase is not affected by the interest in green food. Therefore, marketing strategies to increase demand for eco-friendly agricultural products by actively targeting consumer groups with high interest in eco-friendly foods should also be implemented.
논문파일 KJAE(2020-Vol61No02)-Korean-04.pdf