
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 글로벌 동태 CGE모형을 이용한 한․중 및 한․중․일 FTA 체결의경제적 영향 분석: 쌀 MMA정책의 반영
저자 서영, 권오상
발행정보 54권 4호 (2013년 12월) 페이지 101~125
초록 This study analyzes the economic impacts of Korea-China (KC) and Korea-China-Japan (KCJ) free trade agreements (FTA) using a recursive dynamic global CGE model, PEP-w-t with the GTAP DB 8. The CGE model is revised so that it can incorporate the minimum market access rice trade policy of Korea. Agricultural sectors are very disaggregated in the model because the impact on agriculture has been the most concerned issue in the three countries. From the perspective of Korea, the KC FTA is preferred to the KCJ FTA when only the GDP growth rate is considered. Japan is going to be the biggest winner of the KCJ FTA while Korea is going to obtain much higher GDP growth under the KC FTA. However, when the agricultural sector is concerned, the KCJ FTA is much more preferred because the agricultural imports from China will increase substantially under the KC FTA where the Japanese market is still closed. On the contrary, when Japan also participates in the FTA, the differences in scenarios on agricultural trade liberalization play relatively little impact on Korean agriculture.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2013(54권제4호)-06.pdf