
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 수박공선출하 확대요인 분석 -충북지역 수박 재배농가를 대상으로
저자 김성섭, 서상택
발행정보 54권 2호 (2013년 6월) 페이지 121~139
초록 This study analyzes the factors that effectively affect the expansion of cooperative shipping of watermelon in Chungbuk province. One hundred fourteen farmers were surveyed with the items of farmers' satisfaction, recognition of necessity for cooperative shipping, importance of expansion method, factors of hindrance for cooperative shipping, and willingness to join the cooperative shipping. Ordered logit model was adopted for the econometric analysis. Paired sample t-test and independent sample t-test were also adopted to test statistical significance of the results. The results show that farmers' satisfaction for cooperative shipping is influenced by the benefits of income obtained from cooperative shipping and the use of facilities available. Watermelon farms have a demand for establishing an efficient marketing system for the expansion of cooperative shipping. To meet this demand they need to give more reliability to regional agricultural cooperatives through the supply of contractual quantity. In addition, regional agricultural cooperatives needs to handle the entire amount of contractual quantity through cooperative shipping in the long term perspective.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2013(54권제2호)-06.pdf