
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 식량안보 및 에너지안보 수준에 따른 국가유형 분석:식량 및 에너지 자급률을 중심으로
저자 한두봉, 안병일, 박미성
발행정보 53권 4호 (2012년 12월) 페이지 89~114
초록 The objective of this study is to classify 115 countries in the world according to food and energy self-suffiency rates as well as their growth patterns. Food and energy securities of Argentina, Paraguay and Vietnam have been maintained above the world average and have continuously increased since 1970. Korea's food and energy securities have declined and been below the world average during last 4 decades. For the past 40 years, food securities have shown negative correlation with the energy securities in the world. While food securities have a tendency to decline since 1970, energy securities have generally increased.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2012(53권제4호)-05.pdf