
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 Estimation of Consumers' Willingness-to-Pay for Eco-friendly Mandarine with the Multiple Bounded Discrete Choice Method
저자 Hyun Joung Jin
발행정보 53권 3(영문)호 (2012년 9월) 페이지 21~41
초록 This study revisits the argument that the multiple bounded discrete choice (MBCD) format embraces the dichotomous choice (DC), payment card, and open-ended (OE) formats. We want to see whether or not the argument is supported in the field of eco-friendly fruits in South Korea. Consumers' marginal WTP for eco-friendly mandarine over generic one is estimated through the MBCD approach and the results are compared with results from previous studies that utilized other CVM question formats toward the same commodity. The results show that the 95% confidence interval of WTP under 'probably yes' includes those from the OE approach in previous studies, and the confidence interval under 'not sure' comprises that from the double-bounded DC method in an earlier study. This study also compares estimated WTP for eco-friendly mandarine with market prices.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2012(53권제3호)-영문-02.pdf