
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 쌀 브랜드 포지셔닝 전략 개발
저자 이준배, 조성주, 손찬수
발행정보 53권 3(국문)호 (2012년 9월) 페이지 45~80
초록 This paper uses fuzzy confirmatory multidimensional scaling(CMDS) to develop positioning strategy of rice market through the perceptual image map which can analyze the psychological positioning of the selected 20 rice brands. The consumers group are divided into four market segments on the basis of the evaluated value about rice brand attributes by factor and cluster analysis. Furthermore, CMDS analysis is conducted to identify similar groups from distances among brands based on an program for least-squares MDS minimizing stress statistic and fuzzy preferences as perceived by the consumers to obtain a clear visual dimensional map of a multi-criteria decision-making problem. The results may imply that consumer orientation in rapidly changing environments of rice industry market was its basic idea, and the focus of all marketing activities was put on need's and the response of consumer group who are the object of the target. Finally, some implications for future research as well as for strategies of brand positioning were also suggested.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2012(53권제3호)-국문-03.pdf