초록 |
In this study, we analyzed the price effects in food manufacturing industries and their imported-intermediate inputs using a price input-output model. Raw inputs and products of food manufacturing industries are largely used for food processing itself as well as other industries such as livestock, dairy, feed, and restaurant industry, etc. Therefore, the price changes of those products make ripple effects on the prices of many other industries. Our results show that 1) the overall price level is expected to change by 0.1511%, when the prices of processed food by 10%; 2) the price effects of rice milling industry among domestic food manufacturing industries is highest followed by beer, seed oil, non-alcoholic beverage, fruit and vegetable products, other seasoning, and flour industry, etc.; 3) the price effects of other grains Is highest among imported intermediate inputs followed by seed oil, meat, wheat, bean, frozen fish, raw sugar, and fruit and vegetable products industry, etc.; 4) wheat, flour, other grains, beans, raw sugar, and sugar which are major intermediate inputs in food manufacturing industry have the largest price ripple effects on flur, noodle products, starchy, tofu, sugar, and cocoa products and candy cakes industry, respectively.