
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 기후변수와 쌀 단수간의 인과성 및 이상기후가 쌀 단수에 미치는 영향 분석
저자 노재선, 권오상, 조승현
발행정보 53권 1호 (2012년 3월) 페이지 21~39
초록 Recently the climate change issues due to the greenhouse effect have been discussed with respect to agricultural production. The likelihood of the impact on agricultural production of either extreme weather or climate change has been recognized, but the close examination for the causality between climate variables and rice yields has not been conducted. Thus the Granger causality test between climate variables and rice yields is carried out. We find that the rainfall, rainfall days, sunshine hours, and temperature significantly affect rice yields. Also, it is shown that the exceptionally low rice yields occurred in recent years can be explained by the related abnormal climates defined by meteorologists.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2012(53권1호)-02.pdf