제목 |
관광지 특성이 여행 지역 선택, 관광객 수,여행 지출에 미치는 영향: 강원도 사례 연구
저자 |
최원실, 이상현
발행정보 |
61권 1호 (2020년 3월)
페이지 |
키워드 |
초록 |
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of tourist site attractiveness on the selectingtourist destinations, tourism visits and the travel expenditure. The tourist attractiveness is classifiedinto natural environment characteristics and artificial characteristics. Natural environment characteristicsimply that whether the region has beaches and national park and artificial characteristics imply thatwhether the region has regional festivals and resort-related infrastructure. By using a conditionallogit model, we analyze the effect of tourist site attractiveness on tourists' choice of touristdestinations. The effect of tourist site attractiveness on tourism visits and the travel expenditureis estimated by generalized least squares. According to the estimation result, tourists are morelikely to select regions with beaches or national parks and regions with many festivals andresort-related infrastructure. Tourism visits is high in regions with beaches and many festivals.It is estimated that travel expenditure is high in regions with beaches or in national parks.
논문파일 |