제목 |
여성결혼이민자 유입이 한국 농업과 경제에 미치는 일반균형효과 분석
저자 |
권오상, 강혜정
발행정보 |
52권 4호 (2011년 12월)
페이지 |
키워드 |
초록 |
The number of immigrants from Asian developing countries to Korea has been increasing sharply in the past decade. A unique phenomenon of the migration is that most of the immigrants are women who marry Korean mean and constitute multi-cultural families in Korea. Many of them tend to marry Korean farmers and occupy a substantial share of new marriages in rural Korea. There have been many concerns on removing cultural bottlenecks of their settlement in Korea, but there are very few discussions on their potential contributions to the Korean economy as a source of unskilled labor. This study reviews the immigration issues and predicts the marriage immigrants' potential share of rural labor in the future. The study constructs a CGE model where a detailed labor market specification is employed and analyzes the general equilibrium effects of their immigration. It is shown that their contributions are larger when they stay in rural sectors than when they re-emigrate to urban sectors.
논문파일 |