
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 해외 농산물 선물거래 활용의 제약요인 분석
저자 윤병삼
발행정보 51권 2호 (2010년 6월) 페이지 17~35
초록 It has frequently been suggested that the use of overseas agricultural futures trading should be increased as a means to cope with rising world grain prices. However, there has been no detailed discussion about the factors constraining the use of overseas agricultural futures trading so far. This study primarily aims to determine the major constraints to the effective use of overseas agricultural futures trading for grain processors in Korea. Results from a survey and multivariate factor analysis show that the common factor with the highest relative importance is the lack of knowledge about futures trading and hedging mechanism, which implies that a wide variety of education opportunities should be provided to increase the use of overseas agricultural futures trading.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2010(51권제2호)-02.pdf