초록 |
In today's open economy system, performance analysis in the agricultural industries attract more and more attention. The traditional data envelopment analysis(DEA) approach require crisp input/output data and a consistent operating environment. However, in real world problem inputs and outputs are often imprecise. Another problem with DEA, a prominent evaluation method in firm management, is its low discriminating power when evaluated units are insufficient or inputs and outputs are too many relative to the number of units. To deal with these problems, we incorporate fuzzy set theory with classical DEA so that a broader aspect of evaluation could be taken into account. The basic idea is to transform the fuzzy DEA model into a crisp LP problem by applying an alternative α-cut approach. A empirical analysis conducted to measure and analyse the efficiency and ranking of DMU's using fuzzy-DEA of pork farms in chungbuk area. The fuzzy-DEA model proposed in this study demonstrates a high discrimination in DEA applications compared to classical DEA, and also is more informative for decision maker in the performance evluation of pork farms.