
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 의사결정나무모형을 이용한 소비자그룹 분석:감귤 소비를 중심으로
저자 진현정
발행정보 51권 1호 (2010년 3월) 페이지 19~40
초록 This study aims to inquire into current situation of domestic tangerine consumption and to provide efficient consumption revitalization strategies, based on the results from a consumer survey and the decision tree analysis. The results of the study will provide some guidances for market segmentation, based on consumers' demographical characteristics and their preferences. The results show that a consumer group who have the smallest amount of tangerine consumption utilize internet, home-shopping, or department store for their shopping. Those who consume the largest amount of tangerine are consumers who purchase it through street stalls or peddlers. A consumer group who heavily depend on surroundings to acquire information is those who work out regularly or who are interested in exercise/health. A consumer group who are interested in 'entertainment/amusement, culture/arts, sports, economy/ investment' acquire information through various routes.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2010(51권제1호)-02.pdf