
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 일본 쌀시장에서의 일본산 쌀과 수입쌀 간 품목별 시장통합 가능성 연구
저자 이형용, 조규대
발행정보 51권 1호 (2010년 3월) 페이지 41~56
초록 The purpose of this study is to analyze relationships between domestic and imported rices in Japanese market. The paper investigates what kind of imported rice has serious impact upon domestic commodities. In addition, the inter-linkage effect would be analysed to find out influences on Japanese rice market. To carry out this research, a time-series analysis was used, which included a unit-root test, a cointegration test, and an error correction model(ECM). According to the study results, there have been long-run relationships between Japanese rices and imported rices from the U.S. and China, in Japanese rice market. These results imply that imported rices from the U.S. and China would influence on Korean rice market in the future.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2010(51권제1호)-03.pdf