
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 농업관측 정보가 농가의 재배면적 조절에 미치는 영향: 양파와 마늘을 중심으로
저자 류재현, 이진아, 안병일
발행정보 61권 1호 (2020년 3월) 페이지 1~25
초록 In this study, we analyze whether the information provided by the agricultural outlook center in Korea Rural Economic Institute is effective in adjusting the cultivation area by farmers. The empirical model is constructed such a way that outlook information and the cultivated area of farmers are included as the main explanatory and dependent variables. Data that can be obtained objectively, such as factors affecting the price or production cost, are also included as explanatory variables. The regression models are made by being divided into five types according to the response of farmers. As a result of empirical analysis, coefficient for the variable indicating information (which is the growth rate of intended cultivation area compared to the previous year) provided bythe agricultural outlook center is estimated to be negative and statistically significant. This is interpreted that farmers are controlling the cultivation area based on the outlook information.
논문파일 KJAE(2020-Vol61No01)-Korean-01.pdf