
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 농산물 브랜드의 브랜드 자산 가치 측정 : 쌀, 쇠고기, 복숭아 사례를 중심으로
저자 박성호, 김완배
발행정보 50권 4호 (2009년 12월) 페이지 1~29
초록 This study measures the brand equities of agricultural brands in Korea. Measurement of brand equity is conducted on the basis of marketing approach instead of financial approach. The data was gathered by qualitative survey and quantitative survey. Conjoint method is used for this study. The analytical results are that 1) Brands of agricultural products are being developed in a persistent trend, specially those are perceived strongly in the item of rice, Hanwoo beef and peach by consumers in Korea. 2) The representative brand is identified for the respective item above. 3) The most amount of brand equity is 95.4 billion KRW of a peach brand, the second is 89.6 billion KRW of a rice brand and the third is 61.5 billion KRW in a Hanwoo beef brand. 4) For the consumers, however, the importance of brand attribute is rather lower than originality or price by conjoint analysis. 5) It's necessary to interest in brand management and brand building.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2009(50권제4호)-01.pdf