
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 SOM 혼성군집 모형을 이용한 쌀 시장세분화
저자 이준배
발행정보 50권 4호 (2009년 12월) 페이지 31~65
초록 Multidimensional Scaling(MDS), Self-Organizing Map(SOM) and K-means method are common tools for clustering analysis in market segmentation. This study investigate validity analysis of alternative clustering results obtained using the algorithm named MSK(MDS+SOM+K-means) composite model. Thus, the MSK uses the combined MDS and SOM model to determine an initial solution, and then applies K-means algorithm to find the final solution for the rice market segmentation. In order to verify the MSK composite model, the subjects selected for the analysis were 284 housewives living in Seoul. The reported results show that the MSK model is significantly better than the MDS, SOM, K-means, and MDS+SOM model with respect to mean within cluster variations(MWCV). As a result, the MSK model showed the optimal segments number and the rice market in Korea was divided into 9 segments. Each segment was identified by distinctive characteristics such as consumer behavior, demographic characteristics and purchasing attitudes. Therefore, there are consumer groups with various shopping orientations and purchasing behaviors in the rice market.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2009(50권제4호)-02.pdf