
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 일자리 증가가 지역 인구유입과 재정자립도에 미치는 영향 분석
저자 여준호
발행정보 50권 4호 (2009년 12월) 페이지 87~101
초록 This study constructed a regional econometric impact analysis model to extend and complement standard local economic impact analysis for Korean cities and counties. The use of the estimated regional econometric impact analysis model was illustrated with a 5% job-growth scenario. The results of impact analysis demonstrated that employment growth weakly affected the increase in the self-reliance ratio of local finance and unemployment ratio, but it had a pretty large influence on population, economically active population and the influx of the population.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2009(50권제4호)-04.pdf