
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 기상변화에 따른 농업용수 부족가능성 분석: 고성군 대가저수지 사례
저자 안병일, 조영득, 김태훈, 권용덕
발행정보 50권 2호 (2009년 6월) 페이지 45~67
초록 This paper estimates the probability distribution of the excess demand of water on the paddy field in Goseong Gun. Very severe drought in 1992 had urged Korean government to make a fresh water lake named Madong for suppling agricultural water by building a see wall in Danghangman of south coast in Korea. However, water demand as well as the capacity of water supply of existing reservoir had not been explored before the planning of Mandong lake. This caused a campaign against the project of making fresh water lake. For evaluating the validity of the project, this paper examines the daily volume of water during 1992~2008 in Gaega reservoir which is the largest water source in the Goseong Gun. Daily agricultural water demand for the same period is estimated using Rural Agricultural Water Resource Information System. Based on the calculated excess demand of agricultural water, we estimate Kernel density of water shortage. The estimated probability of water shortage in Daega-area is between 10 and 29 percents.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2009(50권제2호)-03.pdf