
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 저장사과 출하시기별 기대소득의 확률우위성 분석
저자 서상택, 김태후
발행정보 50권 1호 (2009년 3월) 페이지 85~101
초록 Stochastic dominance approach is used to help farmer's sales decision-making for stored apples in Korea. Sales periods are segmented into six sub-periods according to farmer's sale behaviors, which are assumed to have different storage cost, physical loss, sales price, and thus expected income from storage decision-making. The results show that for risk neutral farmers sales periods with far distance from harvesting period are dominant to the periods close to harvesting period. As farmers' risk aversion increases, the opposite results are obtained. Farmers' expected income and the efficiency of storage facilities will be increased when results from stochastic dominance are appropriately incorporated in apple farmers' sales decision-making according to their risk attitude.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2009(50권제1호)-04.pdf