
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 Farmer's Education, Technology adoption and Income :A Case of Eco-Friendly Farming in Korean Farm Households
저자 Jin Hwa Jung
발행정보 49권 3(영문)호 (2008년 9월) 페이지 71~94
초록 This paper analyzes the nexus between farmers' education and technology adoption in determining agricultural income of Korean farm households. A key hypothesis is that, given the allocative (entrepreneurial) ability-enhancing effect of education and the skill-biasness of technological change, farmers' education and technology adoption will have mutually reinforcing effects in earnings determination. For empirical analysis, the IV tobit regression is fitted to the 2000 Agricultural Census data. The empirical findings indicate that, other things being equal, farmer's education reinforces the earnings effect of technology adoption - specifically, adoption of eco-friendly farming in this study - and vice versa.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2008(49권제3호)-영문-04.pdf