
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 주요 농산물의 생산자와 소비자 가격간의 비대칭적 가격전이 분석
저자 안병일, 김태훈
발행정보 49권 3(국문)호 (2008년 9월) 페이지 77~95
초록 This paper investigates asymmetric price transmission between producer and consumer prices of major agricultural products. Unlike previous studies, we use a distributed lag model as a base equation and extend it to a general asymmetric price transmission model. The developed model allow us to test the asymmetric price transmission between producer and consumer prices as well as between the current and past consumer prices. Estimation results indicate that there exist positive asymmetric price transmission between producer and consumer prices for onion, persimmon and zuchinni.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2008(49권제3호)-국문-04.pdf