
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 농업생산기술의 국제비교와 한국농업의 성장경로
저자 유영봉
발행정보 49권 2호 (2008년 6월) 페이지 119~150
초록 During the last five decades, the world agricultural production technology has progressed rapidly, including the achievement of "Green Revolution". However, opening in the international agricultural trade market, which started from the mid-1980s, influences characteristic change of each nation's agricultural growth and technological progress. This analysis characterized technological change of agricultural production in world major countries from 1961 to 2005 by region and income level. Also, this analysis examined changes in factor productivity and factor input, and investigated characteristics in technical changes by estimating production function. As a result, this analysis discovered that technical change of agricultural production by region and income level, and decrease in factor productivity are progressing after 1980s in the world. According to the comparative analysis of inter-country agricultural production technology and Japanese agricultural growth path, the growth of Korean agricultural had fallen into stagnant after late-1990s as same as Japanese path.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2008(49권제2호)-06.pdf