
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 베이지안 준모수분석법을 이용한 가구별 식료품 소비지출액 분석
저자 권오상
발행정보 49권 1호 (2008년 3월) 페이지 61~83
초록 Household expenditures on food are analyzed with the use of the 2006 Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES). A Bayesian penalized spline model, which is a semiparametric model, is estimated. The model allows a flexible relationship between household income and expenditures on food. Results suggest households with large family size, cars, own house, and employed, married and male household heads are more likely to consume more than others. There exit thresholds of food expenditure, and the relationship between income and food expenditure is not necessarily monotonic. Estimated average income elasticity of food expenditure is about 0.3.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2008(49권제1호)-04.pdf