초록 |
This paper analyses the interrelationship between daily wholesale prices and volumes trade for three agricutural products(chinese cabbage as non-storables and potatoes and onions as storables) in Garak Wholesale Market in Seoul metropolitan area. The results from VAR analysis are as follows:(1) the response of the amount of carry-ins on the change of prices is not flexible for cabbages, but they are relatively more flexible for potatoes and onions than for cabbages, (2) suppliers of potatoes and onions concern past carry-ins only for last two days but suppliers of cabbages concern those up to one past weeks, which seems to be related with the ability of carry-in control, (3) while prices seem to lead the amount of carry-ins for cabbages, true is the reverse for potatoes and onions. There are some evidences that the differences in the relationships between prices and carry-ins of three agricultural products seem to be related to differences in the ability of control of daily carry-ins and storage.