
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 Revisited Environmental Kuznets Curve Using the Conditional Gamma Distribution
저자 Hwa Nyeon Kim
발행정보 48권 3(영문)호 (2007년 9월) 페이지 67~84
초록 Existence of the environmental Kuznets curve has been argued. Some studies report there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between pollution and incomes. However it seems to vary among pollutants, functional forms, and estimation methods. In this paper, we examine pollution-income path for common air pollutants using conditional gamma density function. We find as GDP rises, not only the average pollution levels decline, but more importantly the variance of air pollutants suggesting convergence in pollution levels. Nevertheless, we cannot confirm there exists an inverted U-shaped path for common air pollutants.
논문파일 농업경제연구(2007-48권제3호영문-04 김화년).pdf