
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 수요측면에서 본 FTA가 농산물 수입국 시장에 미치는 사후적 영향 평가 -칠레산 포도와 국내 시설포도를 중심으로
저자 김윤식, 최세균
발행정보 48권 1호 (2007년 3월) 페이지 81~98
초록 Three years have passed since the Korean-Chile FTA (Free Trade Agreement) was in effect in 2004. Since then, there were many debates about the impact of the FTA on domestic agricultural sector. In general, an ex post measurement of an FTA impact is somewhat different from an ex ante evaluation because all factors as given in an ex ante model have changed with tariff at the same time, so it is difficult to find out the net effect of tariff reduction. This paper presents the method to ex post estimate the effect of an FTA and applies the method to the market of domestically grown grapes in green house and grapes imported from Chile.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2007(48권제1호)-04.pdf