
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 U.S. Consumer Acceptance of Genetically Modified (GM) Meat Products : Its Potential Ramification for the Korean GM Food Market
저자 Jae-Hwan Han, R. Wes Harrison
발행정보 47권 3(영문)호 (2006년 9월) 페이지 67~91
초록 This study conducted a national survey to investigate the effects of consumers' risk/benefit perceptions on their labeling preferences and willingness to buy biotech meat depending on labeling policy. The study examined that various attribute perceptions associated with biotechnology are key factors to explain consumers' labeling preferences and willingness to buy biotech meat. The responding sample is somewhat biased toward the Caucasian and higher-educated. Results indicate that consumers are less likely to purchase biotech meat under a mandatory labeling policy. In addition, the study suggests that educating consumers about GM foods might be a viable strategy to mitigate their concerns about unknown health risks and adverse environmental effects.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2006(47권제3호)-영문-04.pdf