
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 브랜드쌀 속성에 관한 소비자선호 및 시장변화 분석-주요 브랜드쌀과 수입쌀을 대상으로-
저자 채용우, 박성호
발행정보 47권 3(국문)호 (2006년 9월) 페이지 53~74
초록 The purpose of this study is to clarify which attributes are significant when consumers are buying brand-rices and to predict the changes of market share when American rice and Chinese rice are imported to domestic rice market using conjoint analysis method. The main results are as follows. First, The most important attribute was brand in relative importance when consumers choose rice, and the price was followed, then variety, quality assurance mark, polished date was followed that. Second, consumers could be divided into 4 groups using cluster analysis. The 1st group had bigger coefficient of part-worth utility in price than the others, 2nd group laid weight on brand, who disliked the imported rice very much, 3rd group less disliked calrose compared to the others, variety and quality assurance were important standards for 4th group to buy rice. Third, the results of simulation show that if high-price rice lowered their price to recover the market share, it will more reduce the market share of domestic low-price rice than that of the imported rice. The results above imply that lowering price of high-price rice have to be considered prudently, the effort to increase the brand recognition to consumers would be important and effective way for brand rice which is lowly recognized now.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2006(47권제3호)-국문-03.pdf