
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 미곡종합처리장(RPC)의 바람직한 경영개선방향
저자 성진근
발행정보 47권 2호 (2006년 6월) 페이지 27~49
초록 RPC(Rice Processing Complex) in Korea have been depressed since 2000year, Owing to low rate of profits and lowering movability of facilities. Moreover, the situation will be growing from bad to worse because domestic rice consumption will continue on decreasing trend, while the market share of imported rice by TRQ (Tariff rate Quota) will increase. To overcome the vicious circle of managerial circumstances, it is inevitable choice for RPCs to be restructured by M&A(Merger&Acquistion) or business process reengineered by jointing some parts of business. This paper recommend NACF(National Agricultural Cooperative Federation) RPCs should be mergered into regional CRPC(Centralized RPC), while private RPCs jointed their rice marketing to CMC(Cooperative Marketing Center).
논문파일 농업경제연구-2006(47권제2호)-02.pdf