초록 |
paper examines that factors affecting off-farm work decisions and income levels, for two types of off-farm operations, subsidiary businesses and active wage employments, using farm-level panel data collected over the period 1998-2002. This study employs various hurdle models, in addition to the conventional tobit model, which allow simultaneous estimation of the models determining participation decisions and income levels of off-farm work. Vuong's test has been used to select the best model that fits the data. A two-step estimation procedure has been invented and used to resolve the endogeneity problems. The results demonstrate that those two types of off-farm incomes decrease as agricultural income increases. However, those two off-farm incomes rae positively related with the farm size itself, which suggests a possibility of economies of scope among farm and nonfarm economic activities. It is found that off-farm incomes are not increasing over time despite the government's promotion policies. The other farm characteristics such as family size, operator's age and education, the level of debt and farm location also play important roles in participation decisions and off-farm incomes in Korea.