
Korean Agricultural Economics Association

제목 농어업을 포함한 생물유관산업간 잠재적 지식파급효과 추정
저자 김한호, 김재경
발행정보 46권 2호 (2005년 6월) 페이지 46~69
초록 Knowledge spillover is a kind of externality originating from imperfect appropriation of R&D performances, which implies that the knowledge created by one agent could be transmitted to other related agents by affecting their R&D or other economic performances. For the estimation of knowledge spillover effects based on firm-level patent data between firms in bio-related industries, patents production function, as a proxy of knowledge production function, is formulated and estimated. Knowledge spillovers from some industries to other industries are observed and strong competition effects also seem to exist.
논문파일 농업경제연구-2005(46권제2호)-03.pdf